About Me
- 33 Years Old
- Mother to Marlow (12 years old)
- Wife to Korey, U.S. Army Warrant Officer (May 2022)
- Cat Mom to Big Kitty & Little Kitty
- 13 Years of Active-Duty Service
-Sergeant First Class (UH-60 Crew Chief)
-Second Lieutenant (Armor)
- 5 Duty Stations
- 1 Overseas Tour (Sinai, Egypt)
- 5 Combat Tours (Afghanistan, Djibouti)
- Associates of Arts (2016, Central Texas College)
- Bachelor of Science (2022, Liberty University)
- Magna Cum Laude
- Master of Art (2025, Western Kentucky University)
- Local Government Certificate

Tiffany with Korey and Marlow at Korey's Warrant Officer Candidate School Graduation- Ft. Novosel, Alabama (June 2023)